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  6. TMS suivi traçage

Suivi et traçabilité

Grâce à la fonction de suivi et traçabilité dans 3PL Dynamics TMS, vous pouvez suivre vos véhicules et vos ordre de transport sur la route. Cette information est utilisée pour modifier la planification (si nécessaire), mais elle peut également être utilisée à des fins de prévention de vols ou de gestion du kilométrage. Cependant, le plus important est probablement la possibilité d'informer directement votre client de l'endroit où se trouve sa livraison et de confirmer que tout se déroule comme prévu. 

Tracking & tracing

For theft prevention purposes, mileage administration or scheduling purposes it is handy to know the exact location of your trucks. An onboard unit or PDA in the truck is linked via GSM, GPRS or UMTS to a computer in the office.
By linking your track & trace system with the TMS, you have access to centralised, real-time information. Scheduling interventions can be implemented without having to contact the drivers.


Tracking & tracing consignments

The status of a consignment can be tracked in the TMS through barcode utilisation in combination with scanners or by means of a form on the onboard unit or smartphone app. Every time the barcode of a package or pallet is scanned or a status is changed manually during the consignment process that information pertaining to the status and location is immediately visible in the software. You determine whether the customer is also immediately informed of these changes, via an automatically generated email, with (if the driver has a scanner) a signed consignment note.


Tracking & tracing packaging

Packaging is costly and can comprise a significant loss should there be no oversight into packaging location. Some types of packaging are consequently equipped with RFID (radio frequency identification) tags. If you use these in your packaging (pallet, crate etc.), and we link this information with the TMS, then you subsequently have continuous insight into your exact packaging location. As soon as the packaging is loaded out of the loading area, the RFID scanner scans the RFID tag of the pallet, crate, roll container, flower cart, etc. by the door. In the TMS you see the amount of packaging that has been unloaded or returned, at what time and where.

Customer portal

You can give your customers access to all sorts of information about their consignments via a web portal, providing them with insight into the status of the consignment, its departure time and ETA. Moreover, they can peruse the dispatch details and all corresponding documentation (such as General Transport Conditions or CMR waybills, delivery notes, Air Waybills (AWB), invoices, etc.).
Your customers can also submit new requests via the web portal.